Audi TT


Along with VIN number, we have the equipment codes that indicate the equipment of the vehicle.

We can see these codes on the label, that in the TT MKI is on the right side of the trunk (under carpet) , or in the manual vehicle maintenance .

Observe an example of label in the picture below (an Audi A6).


In each line we have the following information:

1 - Number of chassis
2 - Description of the model
3 - Power of the engine / exchange rate / Date of manufacture
4 - Abbreviations of the engine / Acronyms of gearbox
5 - Number of code paint / interior equipment
6 - Optional equipment Codes
7 - Dry weight / consumption cycle in urban / highway consumption / average consumption / CO2 emissions

To decode the codes of optional equipment have the web: where to enter codes separated by commas ( see sample page ).